Optical frequency comb allows more accurate astronomical observations.
Scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) and the Centre for innovation competence innoFSPEC have tested a novel optical frequency comb at an astronomical instrument. This new light source shall improve the calibration of spectrographs and hence their scientific measurements.
We start a series of short pieces of news related to the imminent arrival to Calar Alto of CARMENES, the new Observatory’s exoplanet hunter. In plain English, it is a “machine to discover planets like our Earth around the most abundant (and, also, the closest, smallest and coolest) stars”.
Observers find two stars so close together that they will end up by merging into 1 very massive star
A study of the binary system “MY Camelopardalis” published in the journalAstronomy & Astrophysics, shows that the most massive stars are formed by the merging of other smaller stars, as theoretical models predicted.
The second data release of the international project CALIFA - a survey of galaxies carried out at Calar Alto observatory – will take place today.
Performed at Calar Alto, CALIFA reaffirms to Calar Alto as a very competitive worldwide astronomical facility and highly productive.
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