- The CAFE Project
- Project Homepage
- Summary of the development of the instrument.
- Publications
- Publications related to CAFE:
- Publications based on data obtained with CAFE instrument should
quote the following reference paper. "CAFE: Calar Alto Fiber-fed Echelle
spectrograph." Aceituno et al. A&A, 552,A31.
- Publications that make use of CAFE pipeline should
quote the following reference paper. "CAFE2: an upgrade to the CAFE high-resolution
spectrograph. Commissioning results and new public
pipeline." Lillo-Box et
al. MNRAS 491,4496.
- Manuals and Guides
- Observer's manual
- Information of how to use the instrument at the telescope.
- CAFExtractor new pipeline
- A new pipeline to extract CAFE spectra is available. All the data
collected by CAFE will be processed and extracted spectra, aswell as the
raw data, provided to the CAFE users.
This pipeline is described in Lillo-Box et
The latest version of the code can be downloaded from
Github repository (coming soon)
- CAFE R3D old pipeline
- Information of how to reduce the data at the telescope, and how to
get a copy of the pipeline.
- Characteristics of the Instrument
- Main features
The instrument has been founded by the Spanish Ministery of Science ICTS
projects ICTS-2008-24 and ICTS-2009-32 (using FEDER funds), and by the Junta
de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia P08-FQM-0360. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo
Regional, “Una manera de hacer Europa”.